Thursday, April 14, 2011

Yes we can!

No, this is not a political post, no worries, I care as much for politics as I care for soccer, so basically just on election days or world cups :)

I made it! I made Ceviche and Jalea!!! and it was YUMMY! Yes we can have almost all the same delicious peruvian food here in the States too! Yes we can! :) Making the ceviche was easy, at most is just time consuming cutting all that fish, we used Tilapia, seems to be the best fit here in Washington. The Jalea was a little bit more time consuming, you have to cook the seafood first, then pass them through the flour and fry them, but making the salsas was pretty easy. I should post recipes huh? ... coming soon... if you like fish, you gotta try it! only the best! and our friends seemed to enjoy it much :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Things that make my Christmas

The Feeling of unity, of being with people, of acting as one, of doing something that others might enjoy, that reminds me of a good Christmas, good Christmas 2010

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just a thought today

I was feeling really good today, after a conference weekend, nothing was going wrong, all of a sudden this morning, somebody changed that, treating me with disrespect, after that incident, I was still pretty aggriviated and mad, thinking all sorts of things about that person, it can come easy for me when somebody rubs me the wrong way. A moment ago I heard the Spirit "We have to be good even when times are hard" what a blessing that person was to me this morning then, I can't be good only when everything goes well, I have to show the Lord that I can be kind and good even when things don't go the right way. I will Follow Him. .... Ok, I will try my bestest ;)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Nuestra primera Navidad en casa

Queria tomar muchas fotos, fotos de cosas que quizas en algunos anos voy a decir, por que hice eso? o que huachafo, o pude haber hecho mejor... si el hecho es que en muchas cosas pude haber gastado mas dinero, y hacerlo mucho mejor, pero no lo hice, a las finales, los detalles los termine a ultimo minuto, ya sea por cosas desprevenidas o nada mas por que es mi naturaleza esperar a ultimo minuto para todo, la cosa es que habian detalles de esta navidad que no queria olvidar, no importan las fotos, las cosas, lo que me importa mas son los recuerdos... recuerdos de este arbolito que nos regalon en Home Depot inesperadamente y que dimos la bienvenida a nuestra casa con mucha alegria, o el arbol gigantesco que pusimos a ultimo minuto por que el que compramos hace un par de anos se rompio la base, y por mas que hicimos para pegarlo no se pudo, y de como por pura coincidencia el Hno. Ceja habia comprado este arbol y no le cabia en su casa, y como fue tan grande oferta, $45 por este arbol, no pudimos pasarlo, y la misma tarde siguiente se cayo por ultima vez nuestro arbol y terminamos de poner el nuevo el 23 de diciembre, recuerdos de como conseguimos tan buenas ofertas en las luces de afuera, de como a ultimo minuto a Gilmer se le ocurrio hacer las iluminarias para el camino y tuvimos que ir a walmart el mismo 24, recuerdos especialmente de lo maravilloso que es mi esposo conmigo y como va conmigo en todos estos viajes locos que son mi vida, que son mis ocurrencias, que aunque el no entiende, va conmigo y puedo ver como empieza a pensar como yo y adivinar mis siguientes pasos. Nuestra primera navidad en nuestra primera casa, la familia esta pronta a venir, hora de empezar a hacer la ensalada de papa y meter el ham al horno, aunque lo debi hacer ya hace un par de horas :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Our Christmas tradition

I think it is our Christmas tradition now, Keera and I have been doing Christmas ornaments on Christmas time for three years now, so that would be when she was year and a half, I remember she made this popsicle stick tree ornament, with lots of help of course, but she loved it, and then last year we made different wooden ornaments, that she needed to paint, or put beads into and this year it was the snowflake, I am loving how much I can see her grow through the projects we make, and how it is "our" time and we can have a conversation, which is super entertaining to me most of the time, I love my Kiki Michie and our "Tradition"

I love flowers

I love Flower, fabric flowers, I love making flowers, I am making too many flowers, have only 3 nieces and I only have one head, maybe I should make more flowers :)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Friends are a True blessing

They are! not much more I can say, thank you friends! Thank you for the good times :)

Activity Days

A few months ago I got the calling to work with the girls on Activity Days, I knew I was going to like it, I just didn't know I was going to like it this much! All the girls are sooo much fun, so corky, so beautiful, so special, true princess, all Daughters of The King, and all of them living with His spirit everyday of their lives, they truly are an inspiration to me and I am happy to see them grow into this beautiful young women that they are growing into. Two of them are graduating from primary this year, makes me a little bit sad not to have them here anymore, but I am so excited for them for what life brings them, I know I LOVED my years in young women and I know they will too, it will help them grow even further and I know the Lord has a lot in store for them, I love them all, and I thank my Father for keep giving me these callings that remind me of what's more important, service, and how when we serve, we gain the most.